Friday, July 31

Last TGIF of the Month

On every last Friday of the month, it's CLUBDAY in Korea! That means you just need to buy one entrance ticket and are free to roam to any of the clubs! Sounds like a good deal right?

Geraldine and her friends went to Hongdae 홍대, near Hongik University, 홍익대학교. That area is dotted by clubs.

The girls dolling themselves up..

Buying the entrance tickets which come in a wristband form, much like that of an amusement park.

Look at the sea of people! It's crazy with a capital C!

But despite the madness of the crowd, Geraldine bumped into her Singapore friend! At Hongdae in Korea! How coincidental is that! Korea is almost 150 times bigger than Singapore!

Anyway the nicer clubs were so packed with people, you don't even have to walk. The crowd will carry you. The only way you could breathe was to go to the bar counter and stick your head into the bartenders' territory. (--.)~

So Geraldine's friends decided to get out onto the streets to have some Soju fun..

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