Tuesday, October 20

Coffee Juseyo! 커피 주세요!

It's midterms now and everyone's mugging madly in Korea. Geraldine is so not showing you her panda eyes. Not sure if it's the same with other universities, but at Hanyang Univ, Ansan Campus, midterms hold the same percentage as final term examinations. Ain't it weird? Finals have always carried a higher weightage in Singapore.

It's 3.59am now. Paper's at 11am. Geraldine is barely halfway through her notes. But oh well, thank God design studio session is optional tomorrow. Her flight to ZzZzZzLand has already been booked. Departure's at 1230pm.

Some words associated with that dreaded word that starts with E you might wanna know..
Midterms - 중간고사 jung-gan-go-sa
Stress - 스트레스 seu-teu-re-seu
Coffee - 커피 keo-pi (Yes it sounds like Kopi, my dear Singaporeans)
Arcade - 오락실 o-rak-sil

HAHAHA yes o-rak-sil is associated with jung-gan-go-sa! Because Geraldine needs to get rid of seu-teu-re-seu!

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